Check In

stay safe

Check In Virtually™ (CIV) delivers a technological monitoring and notification solution providing independence and peace of mind for adults living alone, or with small children and/or pets.

The App “checks in” on individuals (subscribers) by sending notifications that are seen on the subscriber’s phone. Subscribers select how often the app checks in on them (specific days of the week, and times of day), and select at least one emergency contact. Should a subscriber ever fail to acknowledge the notification to check in through the app, the app will ultimately notify the subscriber’s emergency contacts to check on the subscriber’s well-being.


Designed for adults living alone, or with young children and pets, Check In Virtually™ ensures you maintain your independence, with a safety net in place should you ever need it.


With Check In Virtually™ you’ll never have to inconvenience anyone by asking them to check on you. Instead, if you fail to check in as planned, your emergency contacts will be notified.


You determine your check in schedule. And you can change your schedule as often as needed. Live independent, happy and safe!

Why Check In Virtually™ was Created

Check In Virtually™ was created because we each live alone with adopted rescue dogs. The idea for Check In Virtually™ was generated when we noticed there were weekends when we didn’t interact with other humans, other than transactional interactions with strangers. What if something untoward ever happened to us, who would know to check on our dogs? We started paying attention to news stories about people dying alone in their home, and the impact on the young children and pets who were left behind:

We began to brainstorm solutions that would allow the retention of independence, while not inconveniencing friends and loved ones. Finding no convenient solutions out there, we developed this App. The Check In Virtually™ App allows us to maintain our independence and gives us, and our friends and loved ones, peace of mind. We’re not just owners, we’re users of this App! With the Check In Virtually™ App, we know our dogs will always be taken care of, should anything ever happen to us. We welcome you to use our App to create a safety net for yourself, and any children and pets who live with you, without sacrificing the independence of living alone.

– The Check In Virtually™ owners

A picture of two dogs lying on the couch

Easy Setup

There are only 6 easy steps to use Check In Virtually™.

1. Download the Check In Virtually™ app

Download the app from the Apple Store.  New users get a free 30-day trial after which they can purchase a subscription to Check In Virtually™.

2. Decide on your check in status

Pick unique days of week and times of day. No limit on the number of check ins.

3. Set up your Emergency Contact(s)

Ask at least one person to serve as your Emergency Contact.


4. Check in at your scheduled time(s)

Simply respond to the push notification that is sent to your phone at the days/times that you specify.  You’ll receive an audible alarm if you don’t respond to the first notification.

5. Emergency Contacts (ECs) are notified if you ever fail to check in

ECs receive a text if you do not check in at your scheduled check in time.

6. Emergency Contacts (ECs) take action to check on your well-being

You and your ECs decide what steps should be taken should you ever fail to respond to a scheduled check in.

Contact Us

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